Meet Our Guests

Come join the Autobahn
Adventure's family

Our Guests

The truly transcendent element of any Autobahn Adventure are the guests – groups of people from around the world who share a common passion and come together for an experience like none other. Enthusiasts of both automobiles and travel meet in Germany where, quickly, camaraderie, friendship, and a sense of family is built as everyone embarks on their dream adventure. Relationships are forged that last far beyond the trip and point to the power of human connection, and the unification that develops from a shared experience. Look below and read about how some of our past guests have joined us on our Luxury European Driving Tours and truly lived their dream.

Guest Profiles

    Keith & Martha
    The trip itself was everything we had hoped for and much more. I decided not to try and summarize all the things we did as a brief article couldn't possibly do justice to the amount of enjoyment and fun that we had. Instead, I decided to list, in no particular order, ten memorable ..... Continued
    Steve & Lisa
    It seems if you’re celebrating anniversaries it’s done with a large family get together in 5 year increments. Birthdays are usually ones that end in zero and so many candles you couldn’t possibly blow them out.  For me this last September was a birthday with a BIG Zero on the end... Continued
    Garey & Maxine
    It all started at the Porsche Club of America, Orange Coast  Region’s Christmas Party in December 2006. There was a silent  auction (no mimes were harmed) and one of the items was the  Autobahn Adventures tour of Germany for 2007….hmmm, … Continued